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Student's Name(Required)
Parent's Name(Required)
Interested in(Required)
We will contact you with class info closer to start of the session.
Classes desired to enroll in:
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Days of the week NOT available(Required)
I certify that my child is in proper physical condition to take part in dance/tumbling/cheer classes. I realize that there are certain risks possible in these classes. I agree to assume the risk of all injuries or damage that may arise from my child's participation in classes at Showtyme Xtreme Athletics & Dance. In consideration of the above I hereby release and hold harmless Showtyme Xtreme Athletics & Dance, it's teachers, an downers from and against any liability or claim for any loss of property, injury, misadventure, harm, cost or damage sustained as a result of my child's participation in classes at Showtyme Xtreme Athletics & Dance.
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